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HomeInterviewIyiola Omisore, an agenda for the masses

Iyiola Omisore, an agenda for the masses

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Senator Iyiola Omisore, the Candidate for the Office of the Governor for Osun State on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), is a high profile public figure in Nigeria with a distinguished record of achievement within both government and the commercial sector. He has served as Senator from Osun East for two consecutive terms, from 2003 to 2011, gaining widespread recognition for being an effective grassroots politician, a political strategist, a philanthropist and a man who in his own words is “undaunted in my support to Osun State”.

Senator Omisore trained and practiced as an Engineer. After gaining degrees in Mechanical Engineering in the UK, he joined the UK based firm Drake and Skull returning to Nigeria as its Project Manager. Demonstrating the integrity and energies which are his hallmarks in all fields of life, he gained rapid promotion into senior management roles, successfully completing a wide range of major building and infrastructure development projects.

With a flair for business, and a desire to bring greater prosperity to his own people, in the early 1990s Senator Omisore established two engineering concerns, firstly Chrisore Engineering Plc and then Mechelec Consultants Limited. Both ventures prospered under his leadership and guidance, winning the trust of highly selective financial institutions that include the African Development Bank and World Bank, both of which funded large-scale health, transport and electrification projects, amongst others. His recent award of a Doctorate degree in Infrastructure Finance from the International School of Management, Paris, France, with major in public private partnership, procurement, taxation and corporate governance reaffirms his commitment to life-long learning and improvement. Senator Omisore leads a group of experts in the policy and private arena to implement PPPs as the bedrock of sustained development in both economic and social sectors.

It was through his increasing involvement in projects of high social impact that Senator Omisore, a devout Christian, found his calling to serve his country in a more direct way. This in 1999 led him to become Deputy Governor in Osun State. Four years later, he contested and won his first seat in the Senate.

In the Upper Chamber he served on numerous Committees, frequently as Chairman, making important contributions on Industry, Housing, Culture and Tourism, Aviation and Police Affairs.

As Chairman on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Senator Omisore ensured that budgetary appropriations of the Federal Government supports projects with huge potential for social impact in health, infrastructure, human capital development and economic empowerment. In this position, he promoted inclusive national budgeting and actively supported the principles of development effectiveness at national and global levels. Senator Iyiola Omisore brings unequalled, expansive knowledge and experience in public sector management, private sector engagement, community development in addition to an undimmed appetite for continuing to serve the citizens of Osun and its contribution to position Nigeria as one of the main drivers of African and global economy.

The Iyiola Omisore Organization is a social and political movement led by Senator Iyiola Omisore. Members of the organization are principally indigenes of Osun State, their friends and Associates. Established in 2011, the goal of the organization is to create an enabling environment for public space discussions on governance, promote inclusiveness in the democracy and assure accountability for development that leaves no one behind.

IOO supports young persons, artisans and the aged through the Omisore Youth Support Forum (OYSF). The OYSF has also been active since 2011 and was established by a group of young persons who were committed to the development of youth enterprise for youth empowerment sustainable state building. Senator Iyiola Omisore has been mentor to the OYSF since its inception, assisting them with training programmes, enterprise grants as well as supporting them to responsible adulthood. More recently, OYSF has extended its support to artisans, traders and the aged.

IOO provides an organized platform for philanthropy. Philanthropy has been a way of life for Senator Omisore both as a responsibly by his royal birth and a duty on account of his deep commitment to humanity and the well-being of all people. IOO increasingly provides a platform to better coordinate and target his unwavering commitment to philanthropy, targeted in the first instance to the indigent, the ill and the socially excluded in Osun State.


 My Osun Rescue Mission, by Omisore


Our mission is simple. Osun State deserves better. The Iyiola Omisore Organization is a team of committed indigenes of Osun State, their friends and partners; across all social classes and ethnic groups. Together, and with your support, we are committed to ensuring that we do all we can to protect today for the benefit of tomorrow. This is the watch word of home grown politicians, leaders that our people desire and can believe in!

We believe in Osun State, and its contribution to an indivisible Nigeria. One nation of many people that share the same values and purpose, where the benefits of investments in social and economic development are for all to enjoy; and merit comes before privilege.



‘Share prosperity for all people of Osun State and sustained development that LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND’




Women, children, young people, men, the aged as well as our people who in urban slums, rural and hard to reach areas have equal and fair access productive and economic assets, our natural resources, benefits of investments across all sectors, that can truly enable them to live heathy and productive lives



Commitment to the Freedom of Information and transparency about the resources we have at our disposal, what we propose to use them for, with whom and the results that we shall achieve






Our children have to become part of the new technological age. We have to do much more to improve the teaching of IT. We need better trained teachers. We need better equipment and to re-focus our reasons for teaching information and communications technology (ICT)…so that teachers and then students have a much greater understanding of multi-functional applications of IT to learn, share and promote innovative approaches in all sectors’.

‘We need more doctors and nurses’. Yes, our hospitals need modernizing and improving. But we also need to look more critically at how we care for the infirm and elderly, and support those in the community who are disabled or afflicted by non-life-threatening conditions’

‘We need successful young people’. We will provide the economic environment for them to make the best of the investment in their education, working with dignity to achieve their goals and purpose’


‘In Osun State, 45% of our citizens are aged between 18 and 40. This is a highly ‘technologically literate’ group. In other countries, whole new industries are being spawned on the back of the new technologies. Nigeria, as one of the ‘engine rooms’ for the economy of West Africa as a whole, is ideally positioned to become a leading force in this technological revolution. But to achieve this we have to encourage and enable today’s employers and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs to harness the technological power in our midst’



‘The development of the 21st century that we envision for Osun State needs to be owned by all. Everyone has a role to play. The people of Osun State have a history of engagement in their own future. Partnership with a broad range of non-state actors including the private sector, faith based organizations, professional associations, civil societies, communities and citizens is key for success’



As the global economy continues to recover, we have vast scope for improving the environment, for increasing the capacity of our cities, towns and countryside through major infrastructure projects. We need better roads, improved energy supplies, more hospitals and schools. We need to ensure, too, that the bulk of the jobs created by these public and private sector initiatives go to our own people, not to foreign workers. This isn’t discriminatory.

It’s plain common sense. Osun State must remain at the center of this cooperation.




Omisore’ Rescue and Out-reach Mission



Programmes and initiatives of the Rescue Mission are people-centered.

They have been identified from consultation with a broad range of stakeholder organizations, people and groups in the state, reflecting the priorities that the people of Osun State have themselves identified. They have further given priority to the application of evidence of gaps, weaknesses and the implications of mal-administration, reckless financial management and poor governance that currently exists in Osun State.

Each of the presented cardinal programme seeks to ensure that support is given for the fullest expression of the potential of each individual throughout the course of life, protecting rights, empowering human security and assuring the highest level of economic and social dignity.

They emphasize the principles and strategies of the Rescue Mission, while at the same time ensuring peaceful and mutually beneficial cooperation with neighboring states. Each support the aspirations at national level, building on current successes to achieve economic growth in Nigeria, and positioning Osun State for improved and better integration to national resources and direction. They present indeed an integrated plan, implemented at the local level with national relevance and results for improved economic and social well-being of the people of Osun State.

Protecting rights, empowering human security and assuring the highest level of economic and social dignity


  1. Restoration of the Dignity of Education: The wisest investment we can make
  • Every child in the state, regardless of gender, location and social class, will be assured access to free qualitative universal basic education.
  • No child or young person should face difficulties of funding, distance and the negligence of overcrowded poorly resourced educational infrastructure in pursuit of education.
  • Parents and guidians in Osun State need to be confident that their wards are safe from religious divisions in our schools, and can learn in positive and supportive environment from skilled, experienced and competent teachers. This is our future.
  • We will ensure compliance of primary and secondary education to the Education Act of 2004; and to the provisions of the Universal Basic Education Scheme supported by the Federal Government of Nigeria, and its international partners.
  • We shall invest in vocational, technical and adult education, expanding access to yet underserved areas and currently excluded populations.
  • Invest in quality improvement for teachers and build stronger competencies for curriculum development and schools management in both public and private schools.
  • Quality not quantity will be our watchword.



  1. Health, Wellbeing and Social Safety Nets: Healthy people! Wealthy People!
  • Healthy life expectancy and outcomes shall be the cornerstone of development and the main contributors to all policies
  • Essential Investment in best practices to strengthen health systems with skilled and motivated workforce and engaged community action
  • Universal access and equity shall be our watchword no one should be denied access to, and coverage by health care services on account of distance, gender, income and other social barriers to health care
  • No woman should die while giving life to another
  • Young people, adolescent, women and couples shall have access to information and services to protect their reproductive health and choose the most appropriate family planning methods for their circumstances and belief
  • All neonates, infants and children shall have timely access to life promoting and protecting health care services including immunization delivered by routine services in a tiered inter-dependent health care system that adopts the primary health care approach
  • Priority attention shall be given to the leading causes of illness and death in Osun State including preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative care for cancer (breast, cervical and prostate) and sickle cell anaemia
  • All activities in the health sector shall promote healthy life styles including the elimination of smoking, responsible drinking and active lifestyles to reduce the increasing levels of hypertension, diabetes and malnutrition with particular attention to obesity in all age groups


  1. Gender Equality and Youth Development: Our women, Our children, Our legacy
  • Economic development and sustainable growth cannot occur without investment in women and young people. Our approaches to their engagement will ensure that women, adolescents and young persons are engaged and have equal opportunities for education and sustainable livelihood
  • We shall support true women, adolescent and youth empowerment that maximizes the education, skills and innovation of this critical segment of the population of the state.
  • Our approaches will target those who are unemployed, out of school and also who are without education and require vocational and / or enterprise skills
  • Innovative multi-sector programmes will ensure increased access to reproductive and family planning technologies, commodities and inputs including access to information and services to ensure that they have the choice and options for the promotion and protection of their reproductive and sexual health
  • Political participation will be further deepened and enable with zero tolerance to violence against women, adolescent and young persons


  1. Gainful employment and wealth creation: Engaged Hands, Fulfilled Aspirations

Our aspirations are ensure that the state finances are restored to health and people are engaged in productive economic activities and employment that can contribute both to personal wealth and the wealth of the state.

This will require us to focus on two approaches (a) Create viable employment, economic enterprises and wealth for individuals and household (wealthy people) (b) Reverse the current recklessness in financial borrowing and improve revenue generation and restore the state to financial stability (wealthy state)




Wealthy People

Current high levels of unemployment is the consequence of there being too few jobs. So the number of vacancies must be increased. This in turn is dependent on two factors: the creation of new jobs by existing employer organizations, and, importantly, the birth of new enterprise. This in turn contributes to an increase in the capacities of the state to increase internally generated revenue as well as create jobs.

  • Establish industrial parks
  • Promoting investment in agriculture and the establishment of small and medium scale industries
  • Include expanding culture and tourism as a mechanism for wealth creation
  • Include here something on expanding the economic and resource base of the state


Wealthy State

It is very clear that the level of borrowing in the state by the Aregbesola-led APC government in the state is not only unsustainable but is also reckless. While borrowing is required to grow sustainable economies, it must be related to projected capacity to pay back, and the amounts borrowed need to be applied transparently and judiciously to projects that promote enterprise and support the development of viable human capital. Evidence has it that this is not the case with the APC-led administration in Osun State.

It is important to refocus debt management efforts for sustainable economic growth and social impact.

Only wealthy states can support wealthy people, and vice versa. It is critical to reverse this trend as well as create jobs and grow enterprise based on agricultural products and the growth of the service industry in the state.

  • Appropriate models and incentives for public private partnerships
  • Innovative community provider partnerships to expand the resources base of the state
  • Effective negotiation of existing debts and of borrowing as might be required to grow enterprise as well as support people and communities
  • Appropriate tax incentives will be provided to investors, working in collaboration with our own people
  • Expansion of domestic resource generation and improved management of national resources as well as overseas development assistance mobilized as grants, loans and awards


  1. Technology and Infrastructure; Environmental Sustainability: Harnessing infrastructure for growth
  • It is the age of technology with many societies piggy backing on technology to drive innovation in the management of both public and private enterprise. The African Development Bank and other agencies engaged in positioning Africa in the post 2015 global world have this rightly identified the imperative to jump start Africa technological growth. Currently, much of the purported technological innovations in the state (particular reference to the curious use of educational tablets ‘Opon Imo’) has been deployed for greed and profit rather than for innovation and learning.
  • We shall create an enabling environment for the application of technology to improve administration and make services in the public sector not only more accessible but also more efficient, reducing delays in access to public services and support.
  • Infrastructure development will seek to expand access to energy supplies from traditional and renewable sources, thus impacting positively one economic and social activities in the state
  • Investments in expanding the road networks in the state, and engaging with federal authorities to ensure that commitments to infrastructure are met timely will also be a key part of our strategy on technology and infrastructure
  • The provision of safe and potable water supplies for domestic and personal uses will be incorporated into plans to ensure that our environment is not only sustained but also secure
  • Infrastructure development will also address access to affordable housing and shelter as a pre-requisite for safer communities and private sector investment in the state


  1. Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development
  • Osun state is largely an agricultural state, and almost everyone in the population is a subsistent farmer. Agriculture must remain the main stay of our economic development and community development
  • Investments shall be directed at improving agricultural engineering, positioning agriculture as an enterprise for wealth creation across a broad range of indigenes, including women and young persons; and supporting food security in the state
  • We shall also revamp agricultural farm settlements, partnering where appropriate with the private sector and international organizations to improve farming practices, strengthening management and provide seedling to farming cooperatives, small and medium scale farm holders
  • Support farmers to expand crop variety, increase harvest yield and sustainable achieve the shift from small scale subsistence farming to large scale mechanized commercial farming
  • While efforts to expand the scale of farms will be intensified, support will also be provided to farming cooperatives to increase their managerial capacities and organizational effectiveness
  • The spillover effect of this is a need to invest in rural infrastructure including roads, water, sanitation, housing and expanding financial services to rural agricultural populations.


  1. Public Service Administration, Monitoring and Accountability; A focus value for money in governance, services and projects

A vibrant and professional civil service is the bedrock for strong performing governments. Executive decisions need to be supported by skilled and competent workforce in all sectors. Investment in –service training at all levels will be revived. Public administration will be about strong leaders in the civil service working closely with political leadership. Service improvement targets linked to the key performance indicators in the development plan that will evolve will ensure that all our initiatives and projects are monitored against stated objectives and targets. And that they are shared timely with the people of the state, so that they can contribute to our work, track our progress and hold us accountable.


  1. Good Governance, Peace and Security
  • Increasing insecurity has been the bane of the state under the administration of the Aregbesola-led APC government of the past few years.
  • This unprecedented levels of personal, group and community security are a direct consequence of divisive governance and limited investments in communal efforts at policing
  • Yet it is also a fact that the police alone cannot adequately protect citizens’ safety and security without the involvement of neighborhood watches and local community guards
  • Neighborhood and community policing initiatives shall be explored to support existing efforts by corporations and groups to improve security and curtail the potential menace of religions strife in the state
  • Development cannot occur in a situation and strife and conflict. The Omisore-led PDP administration will focus on c vb   onflict resolution at all levels, restoring bridges and dialogue where the current divisive policies have resulted in strife
  • Crime levels will also be addresses; first through the creation of viable and sustainable employment and wealth creation opportunities but also by working in collaboration with the security agents to promote access to justice as well as promote community dialogue.





(Group Canvassing for Omisore Election)

President: S.G. Balogun



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