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Babatunde Fowler: The Zero Sum Game In Political Appointments

By Abubakar Ismail
 Let’s first look at the role of the media in politics. The media is supposed to be a medium where news and events is transmitted in its pure form to people. In Nigeria the media has become mediocre. It’s an avenue some pawkvy journalists and so called bloggers use to enrich themselves. It’s also an avenue for people to malign each other. Most news these days are sponsored and specifically targeted at opposition or someone perceived to be an enemy. They receive douceur to publish news these days, ofcourse there are a few trusted mediums.Even the president himself has been a victims of these bloggers/journalists. A story was written to say he’s a double called Jibrin, how can someone fabricate such a story and isn’t punished for his or her act. This is because the laws of our country regarding fake news and the media are lacking, government should ratiocinate putting a new law in place to curb this menace.
For democracies to work, politicians need to respect the difference between an enemy and an adversary.
An adversary is someone you want to defeat. An enemy is someone you have to destroy. With adversaries, compromise is honorable: Today’s adversary could be tomorrow’s ally. With enemies, on the other hand, compromise is appeasement.
Between adversaries, trust is possible. They will beat you if they can, but they will accept the verdict of a fair fight. This, and a willingness to play by the rules, is what good-faith democracy demands.
Between enemies, trust is impossible. They do not play by the rules (or if they do, only as a means to an end) and if they win, they will try to rewrite the rules, so that they can never be beaten again.
Adversaries can easily turn into enemies. If quality parties never let minority parties come away with half a loaf, the losers are bound to conclude they can only win through the utter destruction of the quality. Once adversaries think of democracy as a zero-sum game, the next step is to conceive of politics as war: no quarter given, no prisoners taken, no mercy shown.
This is the scenario currently being played out at the highest levels as the brilliantly acclaimed FIRS Executive Chairman Mr. Babatunde Fowler is witnessing an alarming character assassination attack on his person all in a bid to wreck his celebrated career. Let there be no mistake about it. The chairman honestly has a JOMO. Tunde Fowlers adversaries have declared war and surreptitiously worked behind the scenes under the vicious cover of social media to publish vile and unconscionable articles designed to sway public opinion on his person. No quarter given, no prisoners taken, no mercy shown. You can’t even pin point this wilder  pseudepigraphy. What do they stand to gain? They want his seat, Thats all. They have realized how juicy and important the position is. Mr Tunde Fowler raised the revenue generated to over 5 trillion naira last year and trying to achieve an estimated 8 trillion this year even in this trying times. Government is beginning to see that revenue from taxes can surpass revenue from crude oil sale, which was the main source of income for the country.
But we ask. Is this what high level lobbying in Nigeria has been reduced to? What happened to the days when the appointment or reappointment of top government assignments were adorned with competitive honor? When they were decorated with competence and brilliance and ultimately assigned or reassigned to the benefit of our great country? When the saying “may the best man win” was greeted with pride. Let there be no mistake about it. The industry and the corridors of power know the truth. They know that this accomplished academician and innovator of brilliant policies . Most times consummate professionals like Mr. Fowler are so engrossed in their work that they do not feel the need to address petty character assassination attempts on their person. But in this day and age. To remain silent  in the face of surreptitious social media mischief is seen to some as consent to the barrage of lies that are published on unverified on those poisonous social media handles who will kill the character of any man for a few shillings. At some point the Federal Government will get to the bottom of the peddlers of such falsehoods. However, in the meantime. All the lies in the world cannot change the accomplishments of the soft spoken brilliant advocate of fair taxation and ample representation of the people. To this we say, we salute you Mr. Fowler. Executive Chairman FIRS, Chairman African Tax Administration Forum, Board Member and First Vice Chairman United Nations Tax Committee of Experts On International Cooperation on Tax Matters.
It is with this in mind that we urgently seek to advise Nigerian Political Appointee seekers. As well meaning Nigerians whose primary responsibility it should be to deepen our young democracy. Try to respect the difference between an enemy and an adversary.
We also ask people to be camp and know that there’s always a reward for hard work. Pls say NO to FAKE NEWS


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