Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeForeign85,974 Americans strike dead by Coronavirus

85,974 Americans strike dead by Coronavirus

Health workers evacuating  a corpse Photo Credit al jazeera News

By Our Reporter

The number of people that the deadly coronavirus killed in the United State of America have continued to be on the increase and there seems not to be respite as the figure of casulty rose to  85,974 and the Coronavirus pandemic still ravaging  across the country.

According to tally from Johns Hopkins University, the United States has recorded at least 1,419,998 cases of coronavirus and 85,974 related deaths.

The totals includes cases from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and other US territories, as well as repatriated cases.

New York, the epicentre of the pandemic in the US has so far recorded 343,051 cases and 27,641 deaths from the virus, while New Jersey has ramp up 42,704 infections and 9,946 deaths.

Illinois with 87,937 cases of the pandemic, has recorded 3,928 deaths, just as Massachusetts with 82,182 has raked in 5,482 deaths.






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